Thursday, 29 August 2013

My Youtube Channel

Howdy folks! Hope you're enjoying ekeng out the last few weeks of summer. If you shun the sun like a mysterious vampyre, delicate flower or erm like, a worm or something you might enjoy going on Youtube. Even if you enjoy the sun, Youtube waits faithfully for those rainy weekends or days when you're on your own in the office.

Why not watch my most recent attempt at a video? As with this here blog, I can't always guarantee focused content (Vintage? Beauty? Creepy? WTF?) but the general theme is nosing around my stuff. Don't worry, burglars wouldn't want my stuff. I don't even want some of my stuff (see freaky musical box for details) but it's there for your viewing pleasure.

Nose Through My Nail Art Stuff!

Yes, I know green isn't a primary colour. Sue me.

And heyyy, subscribe while you're at it! I haven't got a cute or funny kitten but I do have a purple Hello Kitty onesie so a cute cat video isn't out of the question. Although I would also need beer to do that. Lots of beer.

Classic Creepy Music Box Video

Actual Vintage-Educational-Type Video! Wonders never cease...


  1. Amor,
    Your glitter nail collection is awesome. I must visit pound land more often. I bough lots of different kinds of glitter polish from California as polish only cost 99 cents over there.So in love with your jewelry creepy box and that fashion book is fantastic so much great info.


  2. Hi my dear-the Harrods style guide looks awesome-thanks for sharing! Thanks for the lovely comment too! xxx

  3. Oh yes I do love a good nose, will be subscribing to this xx


Let me know what you think!