Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Ethical Fashion Bloggers

I've just joined Ethical Fashion Bloggers. Very kind of them, I'm pretty thrifty and sometimes ethical... but 'fashion' is a bit of a stretch hahaha.

One of the reasons I'm so excited about the community is their fun challenges. I'm always up for a challenge and sharing fun style. Unfortunately, although this month has a fabulous competition, I just didn't seem to have my fashion-blog mojo on. I'm not one of those people who blogs every outfit, because a lot of my outfits look similar to each other and frankly, I'd rather go for quality and variety than outfits everyday.

So I decided to dress back up in my favourite vintage outfit of late, the one I wore to the launch of Style Me Vintage: Clothes. There are a few reasons why I love this outfit and feel it represents an ethical choice.

First, of course, it is both vintage and second hand. Indeed, depending on how you define vintage (and there are a few out there who stick to the pre-60s rather than 30-years-plus guide) it's not even that and just second hand. It was £2 on EBay from an individual not a shop, not a high end item but something from the attic at risk of ending up in the Salvation Army bin or worse, landfill. I rehomed it. Thrifty and almost recycling.

I resisted the urge to upcycle. This item is on the cusp of being properly old (early 70s) - so many items are changed in those hinterland years, and then we all moan we can't find a chest of drawers that hasn't been shabby-chic-ed or a floral prom dress of the right length. I decided to rock it as it was, in its not quite Biba glory. Being a maxi, it needed little accessorising or other items of clothing to make an outfit; again, thrifty and saving on the old consumption. And talking of the old consumption- this piece was hand made in its day; no labels and well fitted. Another gold star.

Which brings me to the fashion part. It's got a fricken gold lame Tudor design and leg-o-mutton sleeves. You do the maths. Oh, and it's also got a very narrow under bust, which gives an amazing retro silhouette. Sorted.

What do you think? Check out the other entries over at Style Eyes, there are still a few days to get your entry in too!


  1. wow it's stunning! What a piece I love it! Such a great find

  2. I love the concept behind Ethical Fashion Bloggers. Good for you on supporting them!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. Fantastic to have you join and thanks for entering the competition, a beautiful dress.

  4. WOW, that's an incredible dress, I'm glad you said it was Tudor inspired, that's what popped into my head (am notoriously bad at eras). I am still debating entering but loathe having my photo taken. I will see how I feel at the last second before the closing date!

  5. that dress is amazing! I hope you do well in the competition - this one is certainly a contender!x

  6. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article.

  7. Your hair and the top part of that dress are fab!
    That's my excuse, too "I'm saving it from landfill." xxx

  8. sorry, glamorous, just had two glasses of wine,
    english spelling is a nightmare :)

  9. I friggin love this dress! Good luck in the contest you look fantastic!!!

  10. Wow! What a killer dress! It looks like matador chic meets haute couture! Such sparkle!

  11. Your wearing my favorite golden Queen dress.
    I didn't win!


Let me know what you think!