Monday, 31 January 2011

Last Night A Blog Post Saved My Life!

Well not quite. But it saved me quite a lot of money and gained me a vintage-pretending-to-be-more-vintage suit (80s/40s). It might, therefore, go down in the annuls of history as the jammiest and most useful post ever to drift into my feedbox. It isn't even a new one! I was showing Lord Florizel some stuff Vintage Vixen had posted about her house and he was amazed by her fabulous bargain-hunting ability, so I showed him her post on hunting ebay items. Then I decided to have a go. Trying all the rules at once and seeing what happened...

And guess what? A 1980s reproduction 40s suit happened. In tweed and grey (perfect for my 'wear less black at work' efforts) and ... drum roll ... For 99p (plus £2.99 P&P, but still!). To be honest, I'll probably split the suit and wear the jacket with palazzo pants and the skirt with twinsets and jumpers (I have a feeling that wearing it as a suit will make me look like a short little kid wearing mummy's clothes, as the jacket is cut looong).

I'll post some pictures when the parcel arrives. Hopefully, my waistline won't have expanded (over Christmas and with the cold weather forcing me to stuff my face with carbs) so much that my measurements have become but a happy memory.


  1. What a bargain! Can't wait to see it. I'm glad my wittering proves useful sometimes. xxx

  2. You are always a font of knowledge m'dear! Your blog is tres superbe!

  3. Damn. I thought I was good! Can't wait to see the pics!

  4. Looking forwards to seeing the suit, it sounds wonderful I get most of my bargains from ebay!

  5. thats a steal..aint Vix so awesome?
    I love her..cant wait to see fotos.

  6. How brilliant! I buy most of my clothes from Ebay. I hardly ever buy new. Can't wait to see the suit.

    Thanks for your comment about sleep - you made me smile. I used to stay up all night so much my friend and I worked out we had at least 104 days more per year than anyone else! xx

  7. Hi Perdita

    Just found your blog through Vix's - her advice has also (almost) saved my life!

  8. Still awaiting the suit! Photos soon. Thanks for your lovely comments as ever!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yay! Shopping for bargains on eBay is an art! I love it :D

  11. Nice one! Looking forward to the photos.


Let me know what you think!